Friday, October 24, 2008

kancil's tears.....

to day is the tough is infront there??what happen to mumu??mumu didnt start study yet??where is kancil??kancil yang bersemangat dulu??mungkin kesidhan melanda hati kancil...lalu kancil bertukar menjadi tidak bersemangat. having big fighting with rimau??why?? what rimau doing actually make kancil feel so angry??& what kancil do until rimau send a very emotional sms to kancil, then make kancil cry until feel dont care about the final anymore??



i watched the movie BOYA!! its about a boy who murdered a girl.huhuh, this story was soo sad.
why people always remember about our evil??but doesnt care when we done something good??
you all should watch this movie....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dia, kamu dan mereka di HATI kancil!!

tahukah kamu siapakah Dia, kamu dan mereka yang sentiasa di hati kancil itu??
huhu, Dia tentulah tuhan kita yang maha kaya
kamu, harimau yang tidak pandai mengaum & tidak sekali takut pada rimau itu
mereka pula adalah keluarga dan rakan-rakan,
mereka ini sentiasa ada & membantu kancil dlm merempuh hidup
rimau yang salu teman kan kancil itu,
rimau jugak salu sakitkan hati kancil
kesian kancil kesedihan dikala kesepian
tp rimau juga gula di hati kancil,
senyuman rimau ubat duka dan luka

Thursday, October 16, 2008

waiting 4 E2 test!!

tension nyer....
i think not so hard to study E2, but the circuits is to complicated...
many think to memories...
oh God, help me to success in this subject...
i want A....hope my beloved lecturer love my soo much...give me an A's...
study mumu...go go!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

About ME....

me....some poeple really know about me, but some doesn't care who am i. This is my i wish people want to know who am i and what am i doing in my life. actually, i want to write about my feeling. In this life, we have our parents, sisters, brothers, friends, girlfriend, boyfriend etc, but does they really know or really care & the important part....really UNDERSTAND about our feeling??one more thing...why people use blog to describe ALL about her or his feeling, life and write all thing about their self whether bad or good things. FOr me, not all thing we can share in the blog because for me, i still have respect to my self or my privacy life.

ME=Muaz Diyana=mumu=KANCIL

my dad=ayah

my mom=mama

my sis=del

my bro=boy


one and only "bfriend"=azwan=RIMAU


my semashurian geng=SINKI THE GREAT






my uniten friends=always there with me