Saturday, July 18, 2009

workshop mobile robotic club

new experience to day,
i went to workshop that handle by mobile robotic club,
this workshop is for secondary student from MRSM Batu Pahat,
they came here for the motivation camp which is held at UNITEN,
therefore, they invite our club to present about the robot,
its so cool when i start to learn & apply engineer into the robots,
the club members have high experience than me,
so i need to learn more from them about the robot although its out from my department/course,
why i really want to learn about the robot??
its because i want to learn how they program the circuit to move the robot,
its look like very interesting work,
beside i also want to apply & expert with what i have learn,
be a good engineer, not jureTEAra like what my father told me,
nowdays, they are lots of engineers yg hanya pandai teori tp hampeh,
when ask where they should apply the theories, they do not know where & when,
lagi teruk lagi ade yg x reti nk buat kerja amali yg berkaitan dengan machine,
oh, what a kind of engineers like that??
experience important for the future...
i dont want to play2 anymore,
i'm in third year now,
there are lots of thing to learn & to find...
hope all my fren will help me to improve my self & teach me what i dont know..


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