Friday, January 8, 2010

last month of 2009~

i cannot forget all the memories that i got in 2009.
panjang kalau nk cerita, tp ade yg manis & pahit.
biaselah hidup nie kan mcm ombak!!kan??
2009 berakhir dengan byk kegembiraan,
sebb bulan terakhir byk spend time dgn org t'syg

1st week of last month 2009

my family went to sipadan island, Sabah
Diving activities was so fun
no one can get these experience easily

coz it base on ur luck to see da extraordinary acquatic life

do u believe there is crocodile in the sea?
do u believe kat laut Malaysia ade Dolphine?
do all Malaysian people know the speacial things about Malaysia??

knapa org Malaysia nk pergi luar negara??
sedangkan negara sendiri lagi cantik KOT!!loLs
negara org boleh jelajah, negara sendri??!!

so i very proud to be Malaysian
now, see the beautiful of Malaysia:


the beginning of our journey

me & dad with the diving equipment

left: at sipadang isld, right: on the way to sipadan isld

me, dad, & bro B4 dive

me, bro with dive master(joseph)

left: sun rise, right: POS tentera @ sipadan

me & mama with kesan kaki penyu bertelur

last day at seaventure


me, bro & dad under water

how can we breath when we smiling under water...COOL PIC

me with soft coral = nemo house

last week of last month 2009

went to air terjun berkelah,
with my family-along(busy keje jer),
but this time or 1st time,
bring Azwan together,
so fun sbb air terjun dier huyooo cantik,
best sgt even for 1 nite....

azwan with family

me. mama & bro

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