Tuesday, February 2, 2010

.:holiday update:.

yezza...1 week midterm break has past

Lots of work not done yet. In my list:Align Center
  • Assignment Power Systems 2: define circuit breaker, chapter9 & 10 preblems, zero sequence network
  • Techcom: progress report
  • Comsys lab report
  • Update blog related to Bandung-Jakarta trip. .:plz wait! gambar sedang dikumpulkan:.
  • Fine others company for practical (still x dpt2 lagi internship result!risau risau!!)

1 comment:

fariza azwa muhibah said...

mumu, aku tepek link blog ko kat page aku bley?
bley yer.. aku mmg da tepek pon. ngeh2.=)