Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy News!

Assalamualaikum Friends!

I have something to share to u all to day!
It is about my FYP (Final Year PRoject)!

Project title: Dynamic Behavior of Synchronous generator subjected to unsymmetrical faults
Synopsis: Actually this project is to study the generator behavior when there is unsymmetrical fault occur in power system network.

Firstly i need to built the power system network. My supervisor told me to build 39 buses test system using PSSE software. It is engineering software that usually used at transmission department. To complete the system there are few stages that i need to face. The first stage is static simulation which the harder stage among the other 2 stages. I need to try and error to find the value of all parameter needed until the system get stable. System Stable means, there are no error occur in the system. Last group of FYP student that built 14 buses take one semester (3month) to complete the system static simulation. But i did it in about 4 hours but surely depend on the senior advise and guide. Thanks very much tu SHAH and also HAJAR. Without them i cannot done the simulation alone. Of cause Syukur to Allah that help me so much in my FYP. Harap dipermudah kan lagi perjalanan yg seterusnya. AMIN~~

I really hope that i can complete the FYP as fast as i can because i repeating my FYP. I really hope that i can graduate together with all my friends. Allah, plz help me! AMIN~~ hope u all can also pray for me. I really want to finish my degree as soon as possible because i plan to work latest on MEi or June 2011. AMIN~

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