Thursday, November 19, 2009

twenty twelve~2012

Yesterday i went to Alamanda by motorcycle. I really excited because i bought the ticket for twenty twelve on Tuesday. Yesterday was a peak day for people around Kajang, Bangi and Putrajaya to come for watch the movies because the price wow super duper cheap. Nasib baik dah beli tiket hari Selasa. Kalau x, beratur panjanglah. People called this movie "movie of the year 2009". As usual, i don't know who to ask to go for watch this movie. So i decided to ask Azwan to accompany me. I enjoyed waching this movie sampai nangis2 feeling cerita ni.

Why i cried when watching this movie? I cried because the father and son cannot be together when the earth become unstable then cause mega earthquake and also tsunami. The president did't want to be on the plane because he responsible to tell their people what actually happen to the earth. The sellfish minister didn't want the people to be on the ship. We also can see how the parents sacrifies for their children. In this situation the people need to pay 1million euro to be on the ship. But there is an engineer who build the ship find way to save his family. U all shud watch this movie. There are lots of lesson that u all can get after watch this movie.

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