Wednesday, November 11, 2009


me at libry..tension sigh!!

Power electronics...

3.11 : hoooreyy!!hoorey!!good bye final exam...tension during final is gone!!

went to midvalley to meet Adibah...miss her so much!!long time no see...nyeee:) then ade sorang mamat nie sibuk jer nk dtg.Dibah bought shawl for me and "something" also for judin gedik!!

dibah,kawan gosip zaman sekolah!!5 ehsan

at secret recipe...yum!yum!

scandal baru!!

two of my bestfriend!!

5.11 : busy looking and searching companies for industrial training!!
does this and that...CV+CL

: i sit, i slept, i dreamed, i watched movie...important=I'm waiting he finished his exam!!bored sigh!!then, geram sgt sebb dah abes exam tp dier buat x tahu,nk x nk ajak kluar!! ape lagi, tidolah mati,merajuklah konon..geram!!sakit hati.

7.11 : waiting again!!and again!!lepas subuh bgun jer...tunggu lagi!!die x bgun..geram lagi!! until 2pm, I'm hot,angry!!hungry since nite dont eat anything!! Vrooommm!!Vroooomm!!balik rumah naik moto amek kerete..hujan + sejuk!!redha mlm baru nk sorry itu inilah,x larat nk layan!!kluar gi mcD...pujuk diri sendri..lols

8.11 : packing my stuff to check out;naik turun tangga..penat sigh!! 11am gerak MidValley....tgk citer Brad Pit blakon=bosan giler sampai tajuk pun x ingat. byk dialog jer..loghat jerman(tido saja).mlm balik umh crown hill!!

sedap nye...yum yum!!

9.11 : gi kebun ngan parent!!baik nye mumu ni!!baje buah pulasan

next day : thingking how to spend my time during holiday!!sigh..bosan.


mostlyepiphanies said...

mumu!!!!!!!! Ok aku link-kan blog ko.
Have fun cuti! Aku pun baru start cuti.

Syiqin Sobri said...

ko kaTe nak pegi diving?