Friday, December 31, 2010

Allah always be Number one!


Saya akan sentiase memilih Allah di hati saya (paling utama)...
Saya banyak dosa pada-Nya.
Saya inginkan kan keampunan nya.
Saya ingin menyubah hidup saya agar saya sentiase mengingati nya.

Allah, banyaknya dosa hambaMu ini kepada Mu.
Ampunilah aku, sayangilah aku, berilah petunjuk cahaya kepada ku.
Berkatilah hidup ku, keluarga ku dan sahabat seislam ku.
jadikan aku hambaMU yg sentiase bersedia menghadapi hati mati ku.
sesungguhnye, Engkau merancang hidup ku,
& aku redha dengan qada' & qadar mu,

Allah, berilah yg terbaik untuk ku.
Berilah kecemrlangan kepada ku.
berilah pekerjaan yg elok untuk ku agar aku dpt membalas jasa ibubapaku.
Murah kan lah rezeki ku.
Kuatkan lah iman ku.
Berilah aku suami yang akan sentiase membimbing ku.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Ini kisah seorang Hamba Allah yg lemah....
kehidupan seorg bernama wanita.
lumrah dunia menyatakan bahawa wanita itu lemah.
wanita bernama NUR.
Nur dibesarkan oleh sebuah keluarga yg sgt bahagia.
Ayah dan ibu Nur sangat sayangkan Nur.
Nur berjaya menamatkan sekolah rendah nya dengan kejayaan yg cemerlang.
Nur dapat masuk asrama untuk menyambung pembelajaran ke sekolah menengah.
Sekarang Nur berada di universiti.
Nur pada mulanye tidak dpt keputusan yang cemerlang di universiti.
Tetapi selepas beberapa tahun, Nur rajin berusaha sehingga dpt keputusan cemerlang.
Kehidupan Nur bersame 7 org kawannye sgt gembira.
Mereka selalu kemane2 bersama.
Sehingga suatu hari 2 org daripada kawan nur bermusuhan.
Mereka berlapan berpecah dan mengambil haluan masing2...
Nur sgt sedih.

Tetapi suatu hari Sudin dtg dlm hidup Nur.
Nur pergi kemana sahaja bersama Sudin.
Meredah hujan, panas, petir tetap berdua.
Sudin peneman Nur, membawa Nur kesana kemari, bawa nur mkn, membeli belah dll.
Sudin sgt berjasa pada nur.
sehingga satu hari Nur berasa syg kepada Sudin.
Sudinlah segalanya untuk Nur.
Nur setiap minggu memandikan Sudin dihadapan rumahnyer.
Sudin lah motosikal kegemaran Nur.

Suatu hari, Nur berfikir dan berbisik dibenak hatinyer.
Dia sgt sedih dengan kehidupan nyer.
Die rase ada sesuatu yang kurang.
Die berbisik...."aku tidak ade kawan baik, kawan yang memahami diriku".
"hanye sudin peneman ku. Tp sudin x boleh berkata2"
"dimana boleh aku meluahkan perasaan ku. Adakah pada Sudin?"
Nur sedih....Tiada yang memahami luahan hatinyer.
Kehidupan Nur serba cukup makan minum pagi hingga mlm.
Tiada wang lebih untuknyer membeli belah di shopping mall (Pavilion, The Mall, Mid Valley).
Kawan2 nyer selalu pergi membeli belah membeli itu dan ini.
Makan KFC, Domino, Mcd, Kenny Rogers, Secret Recipe dan sebagainya.
Nur bukan seorang yg tidak bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.
Tetapi setiap manusia itu berkeinginan,
lebih2 lagi wanita bernafsu 7.

Nur mempunyai banyak impian yg belum dicapainye.
Dia hendak pergi membeli belah tanpa melihat harga barang.
Makan di restoran yg sedap & lazat.
Menonton wayang,
mempunyai kerete sendiri
berjalan dan bercuti kesana kemari
dan yang paling penting, Nur ingin mencari sahabat yg sgt memahami nye.
Nur berkata, "Bile agaknyer boleh dicapai kesemua impian ku?"
Nur ingin mencapai semua impian nyer dengan titik peluhnye sendiri.
Nur seorg anak yg baik.
Tidak mahu menyusahkan kedua ibubapa nyer.
Tidak gemar memintak wang untuk membeli barang yg diingikan nyer.
Nur lebih selesa menyumpulkan wang nyer sendiri untuk membeli nya.
Keluarga Nur tidak begitu berada, tetapi nur tidak dapat pinjaman penuh dari sponsor nyer.
Sponsornye hanya membayar duit pengajian universiti, tetapi tidak memberi wang sari diri.
Jadi Nur hanye bergantung kepada wang yg diberi oleh kedua ibubapa nyer.
Jika lebih wang yg diberi, Nur menyimpanya.
Jika Kurang wang yg diberi, Megi lah jawab nyer!


Football Fever! Friday Holiday?

KUALA LUMPUR: Tomorrow has been de-clared a public holiday to celebrate Malay-sia’s first ever victory in the Asean Football Federation (AFF) Suzuki Cup championship.

The Prime Minister made the announcement last night.

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak also congratulated the Malaysian football team for making the country proud.

“Well done, Malaysian Tigers! You played well as a team and have made your country very proud. Congratulations!” Najib wrote in his Twitter yesterday.

GOL! GOL! GOL!Malaysi win again after 14 years has past!

Congratz Malaysia!

First, i got blur when people said it is holiday on friday!

I did my FYP while people sibuk2 tgk bola kat kadai mamak!

damn, rase rugi gile x tgk bola!

But FYP is more important than bola (of course not for every one)!

janji FYP dah siap, boleh lah gi tgk!

ape2 pun, I Am Proud to be Malaysian!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Dream


It was about a man.
I meet him in my dream.
It happened so quickly.
He stopped my car because i drive my sister's car that hit his car 2 day before.
Then i explained to him; " This in mot my car, its my sister's; i will call my dad then let us settle this matter nicely".
Then he be my friend.
Hang out together.
I like him so much.
He is very cute.
It is Tuesday morning,
My phone waked me up at 6.30am for Subuh prayer; Tet...tet...tet...~phone rang.
Just night DREAM.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Selamat Hari Natal

Good Morning,
Merry Christmas to all my friends yang menyambutnya pada hari ini!

Lucky ME!


Kesedihan lampau masih teringat! Its happened after i knew last semester results. I cant believed that i got very bad mark for my FYP. Tapi ape boleh buat. Nasi dah menjadi bubur. hidup perlu diteruskan. Tapi kali nie kene buat lebih rajin dah lebih tekun.

Syukur, saya masih bertuah sebab dapat konvo sekali dengan budak2 batch saya. Thanks God. X sangka benda ni terjadi bila saya dalam keadaan susah dan sedih. Nak grad awal! Tipulah sape x nk! Oh except for one of my friend yg same2 repeat project 1. I told her that i really sad when i read email from registrar regarding APPLY TO GRADUATE. Orang lain sume dah boleh apply to graduate, tp kite x leh. Then she replied me "Asal nak Negative thingking? BUat per nak fikir pasal orang lain!". OH GOD! x sangka pulak dier reply mcm nie. mungkin nk sedap kan hati dier kot.

Then aku jawab lah balik, "Ni bukan pasal fikir org lain, ni aku fikir pasal diri aku lah. Kalo grad lambat, rugilah! Kalo aku grad awal and dapat kerja awal, then gaji aku sebulan RM3k, kalo lewat grad 6 bulan, x ker gaji aku dapat dah RM18k". huhuh.

I think that u yg fikir negative. Bukan I OK! Its ok lah kalo u x nk grad awal. Tp, jgn lah ckp aku berfikiran negative sedangkan ko yg berfikiran negative! I always thinking about my future.~~Nada Tention~~

Oh, x abes cerita lagi. Our University change the academic calender. Means, the long semester will be start on Mei. Then CONVO will be on October. So sempatlah nk siapkan thesis semua & berkonvo bersama kawan2 yg lain. ~~Happy me~~ Lucky Me~~

Another thing yg i wanna share is about my name listed in Top100 Department EP ranking. The list is based on our CGPA. Although my result dah jatuh menjunam & make me sad. I tetap happy bile tgk ranking nie. x bermakna dah ranking ni bile CGPA dah x in range of dean list! Next mission is to increase back my CGPA into that range. ~~Pray for me Friends~~

NExt is about interview for job at TNB. Alhamdulillah, i got the opportunity. HOpe i will do it well and get the job before i graduate for another 8 months.:))~~AMIN~~

Friday, December 17, 2010

My Future is Depending on a Few Second!

Dear all blogger,
I am doing my degree in Electrical Power Engineering...

After i be a final year student about 4 month ago, i asked my self "Why did i chose engineer as my future carrier?"

Then i answer that question, "I love Math, i dislike Biology, I hate to memories things, I love logical thinking, I memories after i understand the concept, my brain keep asking why this and why dont that, why the thing become like this and like that, bla bla bla"

I Love Power system. I love anything about electrical power system which are including transmission, generation and distribution.

People dont know what is the different between Electrical Power Engineering (EP) and Electrical Electronics Engineering (EE). There are totally different. EP involve in High Voltage system where else EE involve in electronics equipment like PC, Laptop, Camera, etc. Therefore, i cant even think about EE stuff like programming, MOSFET, Transistor etc.

Since now i am final year student, i need to choose a topic to be my final year project (FYP). I already done with a topic selection in last semester. But with all my weaknesses and Associate Prof Dr IR which my supervisor who had high expectation, i cant even get good gred or MAY BE in malay "Tidak layak dapat". I have put my full effort to it. but why i still got very bad gred.

So after cried day and night. Stress after a week think of my FYP. Discussed with parents and friend and senior, then i decided to repeat my FYP. I need to start all over again. Mean chose the new topics.
In choosing the topic, who click fastest win but who click lag for 0.5 second from the fastest person will lose. So, MY FUTURE IS DEPENDING ON A FEW SECOND! If i click faster then i get the topic, if not: bye bye! plz chose another topic.huhuhu

BUt God helped my on that day. I worried about the old title that was still registered under my name although i already drop the project and add the subject FYP1 again. Should the old title must be delete under my name before i can register for another new title??If i dont delete it may be i could not pick the new project title.

So, to solve this, i went to see FYP1 coordinator but she was not the her room. Then i tried to find HOD of EP: also not in her room. Then i saw Dr Rasyidah just came out from the ladies room. I went to her room and told her about my problem. Then she tried to call HOD of EP Hphone to ask about my problem. Then HOD ask Rasyida to refer to EP coordinator. Then she called Pn Suhaila and explained all my problem. Lastly, Suhaila straight away register my name under the title that i really interest to. THANKS GOD for helping me to chose the title. SYUKUR! not need to struggle anymore untuk berebut tajuk. Agghhhh! BENCI!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Maal Hijrah

Salam Maal Hijarah or Awal Muharram to all my friends and family;

Its a new year of Islam. It falls on the first day of Muharram on every Muslim calender year, which is the first day on muslim calender. I Love Allah and Islam. Alhamdulilah i still breath in this beauty planet.

The meaning of Maal Hijrah in English is migration. On this day, Muslim remember Nabi Muhammad S.A.W migrate from Mekkah to Madinah on the year 622 A.D. Besides, Maal Hijrah also mean changes from bad to good side and can be said as starting point and evaluate inner-self on self achievement.

Mom remind me to pray(doa) before and after the sun set. Thanks to mom. ILY!
Life must go on even its hard or easy, sad or happy.
Hope Allah set a better future for me.
Hope Allah will forgive me cause i have lot of sin to HIM.

I want to be a good child to my parents;
make them smile and happy,
not make them worry and sad,
excellent in my degree it can make them smile.

Allah, plz help me!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

God, Me, Family, Friends, BFF, Sinki & Him

Thanks to my mom and dad because without them i will not born in this world. Yes, Its Me!
U all can call me Muaz, Diyana or MUMU (nickname)

They all are my secondary school BFF! Peoples call us SINKI. There was story behind SINKI name. hahahah~

Adibah and Alif also my best friends! they make me smile and laugh!

This picture shows all of my UNI mates! now i studying at UNITEN.

The charming guy in this pic is very important person in my life instead of my family. ILY!