Friday, December 17, 2010

My Future is Depending on a Few Second!

Dear all blogger,
I am doing my degree in Electrical Power Engineering...

After i be a final year student about 4 month ago, i asked my self "Why did i chose engineer as my future carrier?"

Then i answer that question, "I love Math, i dislike Biology, I hate to memories things, I love logical thinking, I memories after i understand the concept, my brain keep asking why this and why dont that, why the thing become like this and like that, bla bla bla"

I Love Power system. I love anything about electrical power system which are including transmission, generation and distribution.

People dont know what is the different between Electrical Power Engineering (EP) and Electrical Electronics Engineering (EE). There are totally different. EP involve in High Voltage system where else EE involve in electronics equipment like PC, Laptop, Camera, etc. Therefore, i cant even think about EE stuff like programming, MOSFET, Transistor etc.

Since now i am final year student, i need to choose a topic to be my final year project (FYP). I already done with a topic selection in last semester. But with all my weaknesses and Associate Prof Dr IR which my supervisor who had high expectation, i cant even get good gred or MAY BE in malay "Tidak layak dapat". I have put my full effort to it. but why i still got very bad gred.

So after cried day and night. Stress after a week think of my FYP. Discussed with parents and friend and senior, then i decided to repeat my FYP. I need to start all over again. Mean chose the new topics.
In choosing the topic, who click fastest win but who click lag for 0.5 second from the fastest person will lose. So, MY FUTURE IS DEPENDING ON A FEW SECOND! If i click faster then i get the topic, if not: bye bye! plz chose another topic.huhuhu

BUt God helped my on that day. I worried about the old title that was still registered under my name although i already drop the project and add the subject FYP1 again. Should the old title must be delete under my name before i can register for another new title??If i dont delete it may be i could not pick the new project title.

So, to solve this, i went to see FYP1 coordinator but she was not the her room. Then i tried to find HOD of EP: also not in her room. Then i saw Dr Rasyidah just came out from the ladies room. I went to her room and told her about my problem. Then she tried to call HOD of EP Hphone to ask about my problem. Then HOD ask Rasyida to refer to EP coordinator. Then she called Pn Suhaila and explained all my problem. Lastly, Suhaila straight away register my name under the title that i really interest to. THANKS GOD for helping me to chose the title. SYUKUR! not need to struggle anymore untuk berebut tajuk. Agghhhh! BENCI!

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