Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Korean Drama

Dear bloggers,

i want to share about my hobby. I LOVE WATCHING KOREAN DRAMA. Other peoples like to play gamez. Sampai kekadang tu ade my friend, org ckp ngan dier pun x dengar. huhhuhu. Tp, aku x der lah sangap sgt mcm tu bile buat benda yg aku suke sampai x dengar member sendiri panggil. Now, during my exam weeks, since i just have 2 papers due to final student, i thought there is plenty of time.So in the middle of final exam weak, i stayed up one night to watch new Korean Drama. The title is "MARY STAYED OUT ALL NIGHT". The hero for this drama is Jun Guen Suk and heroen is Goon Geun Yeoung.

Mary Stayed Out All Night. MSOAN

The hero & Heroin of "Mary Stayed Out all Night

I enjoyed watching this drama but it cannot be compared with Playfull Kis which is the best drama korea ever. huhuhu. Aku cadangkan mesti tgk Playfull kiss sebb best sgt2. huhuhu. Tp suke lagi OST citer MSOAN nie. sebb hero dalam citer nie suare dier sedap. n lagu dier pun sedap. saya suke sgt korea compare tu jepun. Nada orang korea ckp lagi sedap dari jepun. huhuhu. Nak blajar bahasa korea, then nnti boleh g berjalan ke korea. Lepas abes exam nnti x tahu plak nk tgk citer ape. Kene cari citer lain plak. huhhu

The Best movie ever

Kim Hyun Joong

Playfull Kiss Avatar (Seong Joo) & (Oh Hani)

Jung So min as Oh Ha Ni & Kim Hyun Joong as Seong Joo

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My last Final Exam

Currently, March 2011, I busy with my final exam. This is my last final exam at Uniten even though I have one more semester. But my last semester only left one subject which is Project 2. As I told before, i repeat my FYP1. Start with new project title with Pn. supervisor. For me, she is a good supervisor compare to Mr.AMT.

I'am very sad because i'll miss all my friends in Uniten. Even though we all not too close but the moment we have & share together in the class was very precious. This is my last examination time table at Uniten.

I have only 2 papers this semester which are Circuit 1 and Power quality. InsyaAllah i try my best to get all A's. Pray for me! To all my friends. I would like to wish all the best. Do ur best for ur last exam in Uniten. Good luck for ur future undertaking. Love all!

#now, wanna start my study. Off to library!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


My batch cadang nk buat grad nite for final year student...BUt sorry guys x mampu lah. mahal kot sampai RM130 kat Equatorial Bangi...i dont have enough money mcm u all yg dpt MARA, PAMA, YTN schorlar + Full loan. U all byk duit boleh lah gi dinner semahal tu. Aku duit bali baju pun x der. Duit mkn sebulan jer adelah cukup makan + duit minyak moto kesayangan aku tu. selipar pun cabuk jer. handback pun satu jer brand "DOWNTOWN". MY life totally different than u all. Pakai kerete, shopping 2 kali sebulan kt ZARA+TopShop+MNG+Pavilion+etc(yg tempat mahal), mkn TGI Friday+KR+McD+ Chillis+sume tempat mahal. But me still can save some money for my future. U all?? Im sure 80% from u x simpan. Enjoy sakan x ingat dunie. huhuhu. Sapa mkn cili dier terase pedas nyer. Fikir2 kanlah!


dah lame giler x update blog nie. Lot of things happened in February. Busy month for me. My bufday is in Feb, my mom also. Feb only has 28 days. Time is limited. Byk nyer nk cerita...


Let start with my birthday...

Oh MG, I'm already 23 years "OLD"...(not happy with increase number). tapi x kan nk jadi muda jer. Dinner with family at Alamanda, Putrajaya + Karaoke 1hour 30 min = RM50 (first time with family). Enjoy the whole nite with beloved family. Present: Purse+BG purfume+$$. Thanks to mom and dad. Also muh bro. Sad: without sis, she always busy.
Dating--with Azwan. Thanks Darl...really appreciate it. Look up point+low yat+Pavilion+shushi king+present. Like sgt...ILYSM!