Thursday, March 17, 2011


dah lame giler x update blog nie. Lot of things happened in February. Busy month for me. My bufday is in Feb, my mom also. Feb only has 28 days. Time is limited. Byk nyer nk cerita...


Let start with my birthday...

Oh MG, I'm already 23 years "OLD"...(not happy with increase number). tapi x kan nk jadi muda jer. Dinner with family at Alamanda, Putrajaya + Karaoke 1hour 30 min = RM50 (first time with family). Enjoy the whole nite with beloved family. Present: Purse+BG purfume+$$. Thanks to mom and dad. Also muh bro. Sad: without sis, she always busy.
Dating--with Azwan. Thanks Darl...really appreciate it. Look up point+low yat+Pavilion+shushi king+present. Like sgt...ILYSM!

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